Moke Moke Taishou Dendo Musume Arisa ep1 POR

Duration: 26:24 Views: 9.5K Submitted: 2 years ago Year: 2005 Submitted by:
Description: Mokemoke Taishou Dendou Musume Arisa / もけもけ大正電動娘ARISA  

Subtitles(just click on): ENG  RUS  FR  POR   /   Raw Vers  

It was Taisho Era. Morisaki Shinichiro and his little sister-in-law were managing a café that his dead mother had left. His father used to be an excellent scientist, but he began to absorb in studying "android". People began to cast cold eyes on him, and finally, he disappeared. After that, they two were living poor lives. One day, with a loud noise, an android girl dropped breaking the ceiling of the café. Then, their peaceful life suddenly turns into slapstick.   


Moke Moke Taishou Dendo Musume Arisa ep1 POR   

Moke Moke Taishou Dendo Musume Arisa ep2 POR
Directors: Green Bunny