Sexy Magical Girl Ai Part 3 RUS SUB
Duration: 27:10
Views: 17K
Submitted: 3 years ago
Year: 2003
Submitted by:
Девушка волшебница Ай / 魔法少女アイ /Sexy Magical Girl Ai / Maho Shojo Ai
Subtitles(just click on): ENG RUS / Raw Vers
In a certain town, there were consecutive phantom assaults. Because the incidents were extraordinarily, there was a rumor that a ghost or supernatural creature caused them. The students in the school which Akitoshi went to were frightened. One day, an unknown girl appeared in the school. However, all the students except Akitoshi thought they had known her. Feeling strange, he shadowed her in order to investigate her but he lost sight of her. At that moment, he heard the scream of a woman from the nearby material yard and went to the place where the scream came from. There he found the beautiful girl of the school, Mikage. Mikage was surrounded by monsters "Yuragi" (fluctuation), and she was hanged naked. Yuragi noticed Akitoshi and began to attack him. Then, the fighter, Ai, appeared and cut them down. Akitoshi stared at Ai. What was her true character, an enemy or an ally?
Sexy Magical Girl Ai Part 1 RUS SUB
Sexy Magical Girl Ai Part 2 RUS SUB
Sexy Magical Girl Ai Part 3 RUS SUB
Sexy Magical Girl Ai Part 4 RUS SUB
Sexy Magical Girl Ai Part 5 RUS SUB
Mahou Shoujo Ai San ep1 RUS SUB
Mahou Shoujo Ai San ep2 RUS SUB
Mahou Shoujo Ai San ep3 RUS SUB
Subtitles(just click on): ENG RUS / Raw Vers
«Девушка-волшебница Любовь» была очень популярной в Японии хентай-игрой и, в конце концов, перешла в полноценный хентайный сериал.
Итак, «Девушка-волшебница Любовь» - это фильм с лихо закрученной сюжетной линией, которая по ходу повествования интригует зрителя все больше и больше. И, тем не менее, это хентай. За основу этого сериала определенно взята история традиционной "Волшебной Девочки, Борющейся с Монстрами" и добавлены хентай-сцены с участием монстров с огромными щупальцами. Зрители, ожидающие увидеть в фильме сцены с щупальцами, не будут разочарованы, не будут разочарованы и поклонники оригинальной игры.
Я должен предупредить людей с расстройством желудка и слабым психическим здоровьем: этот сериал напичкан жестокими хентай-сценами, после просмотра которых можно поиметь расстройство психики и нервные колики. С щупальцами в некоторых сценах настолько переборщили, что складывается ощущение – придумывали сериал точно больные на голову. Но лично мне понравилось очень.
In a certain town, there were consecutive phantom assaults. Because the incidents were extraordinarily, there was a rumor that a ghost or supernatural creature caused them. The students in the school which Akitoshi went to were frightened. One day, an unknown girl appeared in the school. However, all the students except Akitoshi thought they had known her. Feeling strange, he shadowed her in order to investigate her but he lost sight of her. At that moment, he heard the scream of a woman from the nearby material yard and went to the place where the scream came from. There he found the beautiful girl of the school, Mikage. Mikage was surrounded by monsters "Yuragi" (fluctuation), and she was hanged naked. Yuragi noticed Akitoshi and began to attack him. Then, the fighter, Ai, appeared and cut them down. Akitoshi stared at Ai. What was her true character, an enemy or an ally?
Sexy Magical Girl Ai Part 1 RUS SUB
Sexy Magical Girl Ai Part 2 RUS SUB
Sexy Magical Girl Ai Part 3 RUS SUB
Sexy Magical Girl Ai Part 4 RUS SUB
Sexy Magical Girl Ai Part 5 RUS SUB
Mahou Shoujo Ai San ep1 RUS SUB
Mahou Shoujo Ai San ep2 RUS SUB
Mahou Shoujo Ai San ep3 RUS SUB
Anal sex
Milky Animation Label
Double Penetration
Oral sex
Fetishism / Toys
Magical Girl
Milky Animation Label