Yuutousei Ayaka no Uraomote ep1

Duration: 16:18 Views: 30K Submitted: 3 years ago Year: 2020 Submitted by:
Description: 優等生 綾香のウラオモテ 

Subtitles(just click on): ENG  RUS  SPA  /   Raw Vers 

優等生は性欲に正直であれ! 綾香は学年一の優等生でありながら眼鏡でおさげ姿の地味な女の子であった。 性に疎く彼氏もいない。 そんな綾香だが、ある日偶然にもオナニーを知ってしまい性に目覚めてしまうのであった。 快楽を求め、膨らんでいく性欲は綾香のもう一つの顔を作り出す。 眼鏡を取り髪形を変えた綾香は、性欲に奔放なアヤカとして手当たり次第にエッチをしていくのであった。

Hentai "Yuutousei Ayaka no Ura omote" is based on the manga of the same name by Hazama Kumako in 2020. The main character of the anime is a girl named Ayaka, who is an excellent student and an example for many students. Everyone loves her, even the teachers. Ayaka being in the Academy just can't stand kissing couples, she treats them with disdain. However, as soon as the study ends, the innocent student turns into a real JK slut. She created a" nickname "for herself on a Dating site under the code name "Ayaka" and began hunting rich depraved Oji-San...   


Yuutousei Ayaka no Uraomote ep1   

Yuutousei Ayaka no Uraomote ep2 

Directors: Mary Jane