Kafun Shoujo Chuuihou! 花粉少女注意報!ep3

Duration: 26:43 Views: 34K Submitted: 4 years ago Year: 2008 Submitted by:
花粉少女注意報!~THE ANIMATION~ / Kafun Shoujo Chuuihou! ~The Animation~ / The Pollinic Girls Attack! ~The Animation~

ENG SUB https://www.onlyhentaistuff.com/videos/8644/kafun-shoujo-chuuihou-ep3-eng-sub/

RUS SUB https://www.onlyhentaistuff.com/videos/8636/kafun-shoujo-chuuihou-ep3-rus-sub/

・「奥様も裸女 !?」 新妻のアリスは、自宅で裸で生活していた。 裸族のダーリンが原因で新婚旅行も無人島での裸生活。 そして、今日もダーリンの朝勃ちの相手をさせられ、アリスはさらに…… ・「おつまみ」 花粉の季節―― 街中はどこもかしこも花粉少女で埋め尽くされていた。 真実が下着変わりの花粉少女対策マスクを装着していても、そのマスクはもうグッショリ。 公園のベンチで真実のマスクを取り替えようとする乙人は、タンポン(?)付きの特性マスクを取り出し……

As the season changes to spring and flowers begin to bloom, there is one thing humanity looks toward in dread. Yes, the ever troublesome pollen allergy season has come to defile its victims once more, but it's not their noses that are being blown. Through the miracles of evolution, the reproductive process of plants no longer yield the tiny yellow grains that stimulate the nose. Instead, they now produce beautiful girls and boys that float joyfully through the air, stimulating other areas of the body instead, whether willing or not. Moans of ecstasy and frenzy reverberate across the world from those desperate to seek relief from their relief. Although the streets run white with bodily fluids, people are far from relieved of their sexual troubles; fortunately, it is the perfect time to search for solutions! Inspiration can be found around every corner as encounters with the pollinic beings expose both hidden feelings and alluring physicality. Regardless of the climax that each person reaches, one thing is for sure—no amount of tissues will be enough for this allergy season.


Kafun Shoujo Chuuihou! 花粉少女注意報!ep1


Kafun Shoujo Chuuihou! 花粉少女注意報!ep2


Kafun Shoujo Chuuihou! 花粉少女注意報!ep3


Kafun Shoujo Chuuihou! 花粉少女注意報!ep4

Directors: PinkPineapple