Kohakuiro no Hunter 琥珀色のハンター ep1

Duration: 27:39 Views: 309K Submitted: 2 years ago Year: 2020 Submitted by:
Description: 琥珀色のハンター THE ANIMATION / Kohaku-iro no Hunter The Animation  

Subtitles(just click on): ENG RUS   /   Raw Vers     

遙か彼方、宇宙に浮かぶ惑星の、その秘境、密林の奥。 莫大なエネルギーを秘めた『ノヴァストーン鉱石』に一攫千金の夢を見た者達が我先に鉱脈に殺到した。 しかし辺境、魔境を呼ばれる開拓地で人々を待ち受けていたのははるか人智を超える化物達―災厄そのものだった

Hentai "Kohaku iro no Hunter The Animation" is based on the visual novel of the same name from the Sky Rocket Studio. The release is planned by Pink pineapple Studio at the end of July 2020. The story takes place in the distant future on a secret planet somewhere in space, where an incredible source of energy called "Novaston ore"was found among a dense forest. Soon began to appear ore hunters who are ready to go even to the most dangerous places for the sake of profit... 


Kohakuiro no Hunter 琥珀色のハンター  ep1    

Kohakuiro no Hunter 琥珀色のハンター  ep2