Chiisana Tsubomi no Sono Oku ni... ep1

Duration: 24:50 Views: 19K Submitted: 4 years ago Year: 2020 Submitted by:
Description: 小さな蕾のその奥に...... 

Subtitles(just click on): ENG RUS SPA   /   Raw Vers 

その美少女は……無口で無邪気…… 時折醸し出す大人びた雰囲気は……小悪魔と囁かれる艶やかさ…… その瞳に見つめられると……思わず抱きしめ荒々しく襲いたくなる程に蠱惑的である…… そんな彼女のシングルマザー・由香里。 未来のために全てを抛つような彼女は、彼氏はおらず仕事一筋なやり手のキャリアウーマン。 それなりの地位を手に入れ今の生活を掴み取れたのも未来のためであったからである…… その過保護と言えるほどの愛情を未来に注ぐ彼女にとっての悩みの種は……毎夜激しい女の嬌声を響かせる隣人・悟の存在。 だらしない男を地で行くような悟に……未来の教育上よろしくない状況を止めさせるべく、怒鳴り込んでいくものの…… いつしかそれは夜ごとの逢瀬へとすり替わっていく…… そんな乱れた二人の営みを……円らな瞳が……見つめている……  

The plot of hentai is presented to us in a typical thieves ' manner - first there is a whole canvas of text from which we must learn the plot, and then everything flows to the usual potrahushki. Yukari-San is a single mother. She's dedicated to her job and hasn't had a boyfriend in a long time. She always looks to the future and plans her every step. Her neighbor Satoru-kun is a completely different type of mind-he is untidy, completely uneducated and never plans anything in advance, but he is a real sex predator by nature and does not miss a single skirt.  


Chiisana Tsubomi no Sono Oku ni... ep1   

Chiisana Tsubomi no Sono Oku ni... ep2   

Chiisana Tsubomi no Sono Oku ni... ep3   

Chiisana Tsubomi no Sono Oku ni... ep4  
Categories: Big Tits Masturbation