Ryokan Shirasagi 旅館白鷺 ep1

Duration: 59:08 Views: 23K Submitted: 4 years ago Year: 2003 Submitted by:
Shirakigi Hotel / White Heron Inn / Swallowtail Inn

ENG DUB https://www.onlyhentaistuff.com/videos/8074/swallowtail-inn-ryokan-shirasagi-ep1-eng-dub/

ENG SUB https://www.onlyhentaistuff.com/videos/8072/swallowtail-inn-ryokan-shirasagi-ep1-eng-sub/

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■一泊目 私、この旅館、白鷺館の女将、白鳥優梨子でございます。夫だった先代の主人を亡くしてからは、経営が思うに任せず、いささか苦労しております。 一番の悩みは腕利きの板前でもあった先代の味が出せないことでございます。さりとて新しく板前さんを雇うこともままならず、現状維持が精一杯の今日この頃でございます。 ですが、白鷺館の経営には秘密がございます。出来れば決して誰にも知られたくない秘密が……。

Yuriko is running her dead husband's inn, which isn't doing too good financially, so she needs to provide customers with a special kind of service. One day, an injured man, who can't remember who he is, ends up staying in the inn. Although Yuriko, who develops feelings for him, tries to keep her extra work duties a secret, he finds out and actually helps her... helps her in becoming much better in providing the service that is.


Ryokan Shirasagi 旅館白鷺 ep1


Ryokan Shirasagi 旅館白鷺 ep2

Directors: Discovery