Aibeya アイベヤ ep1

Duration: 27:34 Views: 197K Submitted: 5 years ago Year: 2019 Submitted by:
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「明日から、綾希ちゃんの家でお世話になってね」 母親から突然そう告げられ、幼馴染の家で暮らすことになった琥太。 ずっと一緒に過ごしてきた、ちょっと気になる幼馴染。 でも、この気持ちが『好き』なのかは自分でもわからない。 「それなら『お試し』で、恋人になってみない?」 お試しの恋人と、一つ屋根の下。 二人はただの幼なじみ? それとも……?  

"Starting tomorrow, you'll be staying with Aki.” After Kota's mother suddenly said that he should stay with his childhood friend Aki, and spend even more time with her every day, he had feelings for Her, but he was never quite sure whether it was "love’ "Then how about trying to be lovers?” Probation as lovers under one roof beginners who are just childhood friends, or something bolshee… 
Categories: Big Tits School Anal Sex
Directors: Seven