Joshi Luck! じょしラク! ep1
Duration: 16:33
Views: 36K
Submitted: 5 years ago
Year: 2019
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Subtitles(just click on): ENG RUS / Raw Vers
女子ラクロス部の顧問を勤める黒田幸太郎は、女子部員たちが着替えている最中に部室をうっかり開けてしまう。 拘束され、部員たちに強制的に射精をさせられる黒田。 さらに部室内で鍵を失くし、捜索中に洗濯カゴから女子部員の下着を手に取っているところを黄瀬真鳥に見つかってしまう。 口止めを条件に、黒田へ迫る黄瀬は嬉しそうに黒田のズボンを脱がす…
A guy by the name of Kuroda-sensei is given a job as the new coach/adviser of the girls lacrosse club in a all female school called Felinus Academy for Girls but... it turns out to be a bumpy ride as he encounters sex fiends among the squad, and his adventures begins as he attempts to gain their respect as adviser.
Joshi Luck! じょしラク! ep1
Joshi Luck! じょしラク! ep2
Joshi Luck! じょしラク! ep3
Joshi Luck! じょしラク! ep4
Joshi Luck! じょしラク! ep5
Joshi Luck! じょしラク! ep6
女子ラクロス部の顧問を勤める黒田幸太郎は、女子部員たちが着替えている最中に部室をうっかり開けてしまう。 拘束され、部員たちに強制的に射精をさせられる黒田。 さらに部室内で鍵を失くし、捜索中に洗濯カゴから女子部員の下着を手に取っているところを黄瀬真鳥に見つかってしまう。 口止めを条件に、黒田へ迫る黄瀬は嬉しそうに黒田のズボンを脱がす…
A guy by the name of Kuroda-sensei is given a job as the new coach/adviser of the girls lacrosse club in a all female school called Felinus Academy for Girls but... it turns out to be a bumpy ride as he encounters sex fiends among the squad, and his adventures begins as he attempts to gain their respect as adviser.
Joshi Luck! じょしラク! ep1
Joshi Luck! じょしラク! ep2
Joshi Luck! じょしラク! ep3
Joshi Luck! じょしラク! ep4
Joshi Luck! じょしラク! ep5
Joshi Luck! じょしラク! ep6