Toriko no Shizuku 虜ノ雫 ~夏の豪華客船で穢される処女たち~ ep2
Duration: 26:01
Views: 43K
Submitted: 5 years ago
Year: 2019
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Toriko no Shizuku: Natsu no Gouka Kyakusen de Kegasareru Otome-tachi
とある有名企業の主宰で招待客だけを集めた特別クルージングの航海。 それは、藤ケ崎美帆の父が船長として復帰した 「ノーザンライト」200回目の航海の記念クルーズだった。 美帆は親友の守部潤から誘われ一緒に短期バイトとして参加する事が決まる。 レストランでバイオリンを弾く「音羽咲希」(学生)。 メインデッキのイベントステージで握手会を行うアイドルの「来栖乃々果」。 カジノで給仕を手伝う「藤ケ崎美帆」と「守部潤」。 カジノのディーラー「水梨ナディア」。 楽しく充実した時間を過ごし、この夏休みは、一生の思い出になる……。 そう確信する美帆だったが、その先に悪夢が待っているとは夢にも思わなかった。
Hentai "Toriko no Shizuku: Natsu no Gouka Kyakusen de Kegasareru Otome-tachi" is based on the eponymous visual novel from the Studio AiCherry & Guilty 2017. It is part of the series"Toriko no Kusari / Shackles of slavery".
The main character of hentai Fujigasaki Miho lives with her father in a small town by the ocean. A few years ago she lost her mother in an accident, who worked as an oceanologist for a long time. Her father was the captain of the cruise ship "Northern lights", but after the loss of his wife, he resigned. Of course Miho had seen and noticed that her father really wanted to get back to the ship to his favorite work, but could not due to daily obligations. She took over all the housework and pushed his father to action, and he did not resist and decided to return to his favorite business. Together with her friend Jun Moribe, Miho took a part-time job on a liner and went on her first sea voyage. However, she had no idea what a nightmare awaits her...
Toriko no Shizuku 虜ノ雫 ~夏の豪華客船で穢される処女たち~ ep1
Toriko no Shizuku 虜ノ雫 ~夏の豪華客船で穢される処女たち~ ep2
Toriko no Shizuku: Natsu no Gouka Kyakusen de Kegasareru Otome-tachi
とある有名企業の主宰で招待客だけを集めた特別クルージングの航海。 それは、藤ケ崎美帆の父が船長として復帰した 「ノーザンライト」200回目の航海の記念クルーズだった。 美帆は親友の守部潤から誘われ一緒に短期バイトとして参加する事が決まる。 レストランでバイオリンを弾く「音羽咲希」(学生)。 メインデッキのイベントステージで握手会を行うアイドルの「来栖乃々果」。 カジノで給仕を手伝う「藤ケ崎美帆」と「守部潤」。 カジノのディーラー「水梨ナディア」。 楽しく充実した時間を過ごし、この夏休みは、一生の思い出になる……。 そう確信する美帆だったが、その先に悪夢が待っているとは夢にも思わなかった。
Hentai "Toriko no Shizuku: Natsu no Gouka Kyakusen de Kegasareru Otome-tachi" is based on the eponymous visual novel from the Studio AiCherry & Guilty 2017. It is part of the series"Toriko no Kusari / Shackles of slavery".
The main character of hentai Fujigasaki Miho lives with her father in a small town by the ocean. A few years ago she lost her mother in an accident, who worked as an oceanologist for a long time. Her father was the captain of the cruise ship "Northern lights", but after the loss of his wife, he resigned. Of course Miho had seen and noticed that her father really wanted to get back to the ship to his favorite work, but could not due to daily obligations. She took over all the housework and pushed his father to action, and he did not resist and decided to return to his favorite business. Together with her friend Jun Moribe, Miho took a part-time job on a liner and went on her first sea voyage. However, she had no idea what a nightmare awaits her...
Toriko no Shizuku 虜ノ雫 ~夏の豪華客船で穢される処女たち~ ep1
Toriko no Shizuku 虜ノ雫 ~夏の豪華客船で穢される処女たち~ ep2