Sakuramiya Shimai no Netorare Kiroku ep2

Duration: 20:03 Views: 37K Submitted: 4 years ago Year: 2019 Submitted by:



桜宮サヤとヒナタは相思相愛の百合姉妹。 親の再婚で姉妹となった二人はいつのまにか家族以上の関係になっていた。 だが、写真部の立川はその秘密を嗅ぎつけ、姉妹を続けざまに恐喝していった。 二人が互いに庇い合う事を知りつつそこにつけ込む悪事の数々。 まず妹のヒナタを堕とし込み、性行為を撮影し遂には処女膜を貫通する。 その妹の行為を心配したサヤは、写真部に乗込む事に…。 結局二人とも立川の手のひらで踊らされ、自由を奪われ、性器を咥え、白濁まみれな姿に変貌していく。 犯され続ける屈辱の日々!! 何故にこんな事になってしまったのか後悔するが、それからというもの彼らの要求はエスカレートしていき、いつのまにか彼らに犯され続け、撮影され、どこでも裸を晒すようになっていた。

Two sisters in an intimate relationship? It's too trite and simple for present hentai... Hinata and Candle inseparable sisters, they do everything together - study, clean, go to a club (archery) and of course have sex. Hinata is stronger in all sports and in school and the Candles never keep up. They have a mutual acquaintance pesky photographer Tachikawa, which continuously transmits Hinata some pictures. Once Sachi receives a message with a huge number of vulgar photos of a girl in underwear. Then began to come and video with this girl and various sex toys. However, the person never been shown, but somehow the Hare seemed her body painfully familiar. Soon, she gets a video where the girl deprived of virginity... The next day Hinata finds Sachi sex with the photographer in the back yard of the Academy. She later tries to protect her beloved sister, but she will not succeed and she herself will become part of the depraved plan of Tachikawa-kun.


Sakuramiya Shimai no Netorare Kiroku ep1

Sakuramiya Shimai no Netorare Kiroku ep2
Categories: Group Sex Big Tits School
Directors: Queen Bee