Heisa Byouin 閉鎖病院 ep2

Duration: 29:46 Views: 9.5K Submitted: 5 years ago Year: 2003 Submitted by:
Naughty Nurses

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入院患者の学生・沢田舞子は麻由の担当患者だ。彼女は麻由に、「二村先生ってかっこいいよね。誘惑しちゃおうかな?」などと冗談ぽく話し掛けるが、麻由は「無理よあいつは、そっちのほうに関しては意気地なしなんだから」と突っぱねる。思わず麻由の脳裏に、二村との恋人時代のイヤな思い出が蘇ってくるのだった・・・。病室で二村は、舞子を診察していた。すると舞子は二村の腕を掴み、そのまま自分の胸を触らせる。 「ほら、先生。私こんなにドキドキしてる。脈拍も早くなってる。先生のせいですよ。早く治療してください」舞子は着ているものを全部脱ぎ、二村を誘惑する。必死に理性でおさえようとする二村だが、とうとう舞子の誘いに乗ってしまうのだった。そして見事に舞子をイカしてしまう。自分のテクニックにびっくりする二村。記憶にはなくても涼子との体験で体が覚えていたのだ。「よーし、これで麻由ともう一度やり直せるぞ」・・・。麻由はさつき達の見守る中、二村に告白された。麻由はそれを受け入れ、ついに大人の男女としての関係に結ばれるのだった。

Once again have a prescription for lust! In NAUGHTY NURSES, Aoshima General Hospital is well known for its sexy staff that fulfill their patients' every need! Nimura and Mayu are having major relationship problems. Too nervous to have sex with Mayu, Nimura decides that it'll be better if they just break up. But while they might want to go their own separate ways, fate has its own plans for the two of them. Both Nimura and Mayu end up working at Aoshima General Hospital! While having to work together might be uncomfortable for them, it's also stirring up a lot of gossip among the hospital's staff. But the gossip isn't really having much of an impact on either of them since the hospital's sexy staff and horny patients are keeping them on call night and day! The young nurse Satsuki taunts Nimura relentlessly with her hot body… the voluptuous head-nurse Ryoko seems to have her mind set on landing him in bed... not to mention that the patients can't get enough of him! All of this attention is great, but Nimura is still struggling with his feelings for Mayu and seeing her every day is making him more anxious than ever. Will this young couple find a way to patch things up despite all of the sexual distractions?


Heisa Byouin 閉鎖病院 ep1


Heisa Byouin 閉鎖病院 ep2


Heisa Byoutou 閉鎖病棟 ep1


Heisa Byoutou 閉鎖病棟 ep2

Categories: Nurse Uncensored
Directors: Digital Works Y.O.U.C.