Maken no Hime wa Ero Ero Desu 魔剣の姫はエロエロです ep3

Duration: 25:59 Views: 9.1K Submitted: 5 years ago Year: 2018 Submitted by:


魔剣に侵され、強引にエロエロ姫様のレッテルが貼り付けられてしまっているシーラ。 その淫夢に負けないようにと、現実世界でエロエロぐしょぐしょにしましょうと提案の腹黒エルフに促されるままに、大木に括りつけられ緊縛妄想エロエロ恥辱劇場が開幕っ! とばかりに、ニナとエリクが、緊縛吊りのツンデレ姫様をねっとりたっぷりナメハメ味わうように濡れ濡れのぐしょぐしょにし始めていく事に…… 嫌な顔しながらも強引に感じさせられてしまうシーラは、魔剣の淫夢に打ち勝つべく、恥じらい捩りながら疼かせ濡らし火照りまくり朦朧絶頂!と相成ってしまう…… ものの、それでもすぐに上書きされてしまうと恐れる腹黒エルフは、さらなる痴態とばかりに強要するのは、水着状の鎧であった…… ぴっちりパッツンとほぼ裸状態の極小面積のビキニに身を包まれたシーラは、マントを羽織りながら、すれ違う旅人の好奇の目に晒されながらニナとエリクの後ろから恥ずかしさに見を小さくしながら後に続いていた……

Wh-wh-exactly what are we gonna do?!' cries the 1st princess of the kingdom of Macden, Shiira Magnus, wielding a firesome sword. Appearing in front of the two troubled childhood friends is the person that well known because person with unmatched beauty, elf Nina. She taught the two everything they know. Inside the castle, Nina couldn't help herself and touched the cursed magic sword that has been hidden in the treasure room, in the basement. And with that, the trio's erotic adventures to save Shiira began... 'What have you been doing, you monster! Who do you think I'm!' shouts Shiira as jane is held down. In addition to her is an orc that strips her of her armor and licks her around Percentu Facing her is Nina, holding a whip with a wicked smile on her face. Unable to do just about anything to Nina who whips her everywhere she will, Shiira takes it as being she begins to feel a tingle through the pain...


Maken no Hime wa Ero Ero Desu 魔剣の姫はエロエロです ep1

Maken no Hime wa Ero Ero Desu 魔剣の姫はエロエロです ep2

Maken no Hime wa Ero Ero Desu 魔剣の姫はエロエロです ep3

Maken no Hime wa Ero Ero Desu 魔剣の姫はエロエロです ep4
Directors: PoRo