Boku to Nurse no Kenshuu Nisshi ep1 RUS SUB
Duration: 23:05
Views: 10K
Submitted: 5 years ago
Year: 2018
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ボクと彼女[ナース]の研修日誌 THE ANIMATION
Мио работает медсестрой в одной из больниц Токио. Однажды, она из неосторожности чуть не получила серьезные травмы, ей повезло что рядом оказался Такуя, ее друг детства, который спасая ее сломал руку. И так он попал в ту больницу где и работает Мио. В одной из бесед, он поведал ей, что будет очень рад если, она будет ухаживать за ним. Но Мио восприняла слова Такуя по своему, она решила его хорошенько его отблагодарить...
An adaptation of the visual novel "Boku to Nurse no Kenshui Nisshi" from the Studio Prekano has been announced. The adaptation will be engaged in Studio "1st Studio" and directed by Oota Hideta.
M & e works as a nurse in a hospital in Tokyo. She always wanted to become a doctor and these are her first steps to the cherished dream. Takuya has for many years not seen his childhood friend Mio and now he finally met her... However, she inadvertently slipped right on the stairs and he was saving her, broke his arm. Takuya was placed in the therapy room where Mio worked. She felt guilty about the stupid accident. And Such to cheer up the girl-said he would be happy if she would take care of him in his spare time. But Mio took his words too seriously and"responsibly."..
ボクと彼女[ナース]の研修日誌 THE ANIMATION
Мио работает медсестрой в одной из больниц Токио. Однажды, она из неосторожности чуть не получила серьезные травмы, ей повезло что рядом оказался Такуя, ее друг детства, который спасая ее сломал руку. И так он попал в ту больницу где и работает Мио. В одной из бесед, он поведал ей, что будет очень рад если, она будет ухаживать за ним. Но Мио восприняла слова Такуя по своему, она решила его хорошенько его отблагодарить...
An adaptation of the visual novel "Boku to Nurse no Kenshui Nisshi" from the Studio Prekano has been announced. The adaptation will be engaged in Studio "1st Studio" and directed by Oota Hideta.
M & e works as a nurse in a hospital in Tokyo. She always wanted to become a doctor and these are her first steps to the cherished dream. Takuya has for many years not seen his childhood friend Mio and now he finally met her... However, she inadvertently slipped right on the stairs and he was saving her, broke his arm. Takuya was placed in the therapy room where Mio worked. She felt guilty about the stupid accident. And Such to cheer up the girl-said he would be happy if she would take care of him in his spare time. But Mio took his words too seriously and"responsibly."..
Studio 1st
Oota Hideta