Yakin Byoutou San 夜勤病棟・参 ep3

Duration: 27:51 Views: 21K Submitted: 5 years ago Year: 2004 Submitted by:
Night Shift Nurses - Experiment / Night Shift Nurses 3 / Yakin Byoutou 3 / NSN 3 / Yakin Byoutou Kranke Kodama Ai

ENG DUB https://www.onlyhentaistuff.com/videos/7171/yakin-byoutou-san-ep3-eng-dub/

ENG SUB https://www.onlyhentaistuff.com/videos/7168/yakin-byoutou-san-ep3-eng-sub/

RUS DUB https://www.onlyhentaistuff.com/videos/7162/yakin-byoutou-san-ep3-rus-dub/

突如発作を起こし、倒れてしまった空は、その後病室に運ばれ全く目を覚ますことなく眠っている。投薬の時間になり、看護主任の夕凪静音が空の部屋にやってくる。 しかし、担当ナースの八神優に倒れた原因がわかるまでは投薬はやめて欲しいと言われ、静音はしぶしぶその場を離れるのだった。そして院長室で、麗佳に実験スケジュールの遅れを指摘され、静音は改善策として空を切り捨てると言い放つ。だが、麗佳はそれを即座に拒否をする。空ほどの理想的な被験者はいないと言うのだが……。 『部下には厳しいくせに、本当はMでレズなんて。とても言えないわよね』

Sora was lying in front of a hospital. He was seriously injured, and when he was about to die, a nurse, Yamami Yu, helped him. He was sent into an emergency ward, and he met a beautiful woman, Mikage Reika. She was a director of the hospital, and she asked him to become a test subject. Because he didn't have any relatives, he accepted it. Then, Yagami Yu was supposed to take care of him. Since that day, his fate had changed a lot.

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