Sansha Mendan 三射面談~連鎖する恥辱・調教の学園~ ep2

Duration: 23:52 Views: 14K Submitted: 5 years ago Year: 2019 Submitted by:
Sansha Mendan: Rensa Suru Chijoku Choukyou no Gakuen



条聖学園に転校させられたのは運命だったのかとほくそ笑む亮。 転校してきた彼に、真面目に頑張っているわね、と暢気に微笑むのは、優しく生徒からの信頼も厚い新体操部顧問で日本史の女教師・萩浦愛奈。 かつて、亮が、その艶めかしい肢体に初めてのオトコを無理やり刻みつけ、揚げ句学園の隠蔽体質により退学ではなく条聖学園への転校で手打ちにした元の学園の女教師・萩浦優奈の妹であった。 姉・優奈との再会を機に、妹への恥辱をネタに再びの雌豚奉仕を楽しむ亮は、敬愛する姉・優奈の堕落した姿を見せつけるべく、妹・愛奈を緊縛し優奈を呼び出すと、目隠しをした優奈を、溺愛する愛奈の前で、かつて悔しくも服従の一歩手前まで堕ちてしまった肉棒への雌豚奉仕を始めていくのであった…… 妹が見ているとも知らずに、卑猥に喘ぎ濡れて堕ちていく優奈。 敬愛する姉が、憎き肉棒に従順に媚び諂う姿に愛奈は怒りとともにその肢体を熱く火照らせていくのであった……

The protagonist of hentai Re Kawabata just loves to look at the reptiles in front of him women who are forced to obey him. Since he is a student, all his victims are somehow connected with the educational institution - students and teachers. Almost all the teachers succumbed to his will and influence and ceased to resist, carrying out any of his even the most lustful orders. However, among them there was one who was able to defend himself and not to succumb to provocations Ryo-kun. It was translated young teacher yuna Kajiura. She informed the leadership of the Academy of the atrocities of his student, but the reaction was not followed because of the risk of undermining the reputation of the institution. Instead, Re was simply expelled and his crimes went unpunished. Not wasting the gift of time our hero goes to a different Academy, where he meets the Ainu Haguro - younger twin sister Young. Thanking the devil for the incredible luck, he decides to take revenge on his abuser through Aina and goes hunting...


Sansha Mendan 三射面談~連鎖する恥辱・調教の学園~ ep1

Sansha Mendan 三射面談~連鎖する恥辱・調教の学園~ ep2

Sansha Mendan 三射面談~連鎖する恥辱・調教の学園~ ep3

Sansha Mendan 三射面談~連鎖する恥辱・調教の学園~ ep4
Categories: Big Tits Students BDSM Rape
Directors: PoRo