Maid no Yakata: Zetsubou-hen メイドの館~絶望編~ ep1

Duration: 28:45 Views: 10K Submitted: 5 years ago Year: 2002 Submitted by:
Maid Service



メイドを愛する同志諸君、この作品にはメイドに馳せる想いも、憧れも、愛も、ない。ただ凌辱あるのみ。 犯せ。ただひたすらに。それが我々が辿り着いたもう一つのメイド愛。 身寄りをなくし、途方に暮れていたももこに声を掛けた男――佐瀬。 資産家の息子で郊外に一人で屋敷に住んでいるという。 彼の元でメイドとして働くことは、この時の彼女にとっては最良にして最悪の決断であった。 ももこの浅慮が招いた現実は、想像だに出来ない過酷な運命に彼女を取り込んでいく…。

Momoko is having major money trouble. After the untimely death of her parents, she finds herself strapped for cash to pay for her college tuition. Desperate, Momoko even considers selling her most precious possession - her mother's ring... But everything changes when Takaaki, a charming young man in her class, generously offers to pay her tuition if she simply agrees to work off her debt by serving as his own, personal, live-in maid. At least, the offer sounded generous at first... Now completely under Takaaki's control, Momoko has no choice but to satisfy his every twisted sexual fantasy. Yet Momoko isn't the only one he's drafting into this new maid service. Using blackmail and bribery, Takaaki's staff continues to grow with gorgeous young maids who are willing to serve him on their hands and knees. But even with all of this beauty surrounding him, for some inexplicable reason, Momoko still remains the target for his ever growing sadistic experiments. Could his unhealthy fixation lead to disaster?


Maid no Yakata: Zetsubou-hen メイドの館~絶望編~ ep1

Maid no Yakata: Zetsubou-hen メイドの館~絶望編~ ep2
Directors: Digital Works Y.O.U.C.