Harenchi Koumon Manyuuki ハレンチ紅門マン遊記
Duration: 44:53
Views: 35K
Submitted: 5 years ago
Year: 1996
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ENG SUB https://www.onlyhentaistuff.com/videos/6969/harenchi-koumon-manyuuki-eng-sub/
RUS SUB https://www.onlyhentaistuff.com/videos/6967/harenchi-koumon-manyuuki-rus-sub/
黄門様の諸国漫遊は実は大ウソ! 代わりに諸国を巡ったのは光圀公の愛娘・紅姫。すなわち水戸紅門! 頼りにならないスケベ家来のスキさん、カキさん引き連れて若侍姿の紅門さまの珍道中が始まった! しかし、紅門さまのお命を狙うやからが次々と刺客を送ってくる。女の武器を究極の術にしたお色気くの一蛍、椿、桜の襲撃に骨抜きのスキさん&カキさん。代わって紅門さまを助けた謎の影は…? 蛍たちの陰謀に紅門さまの貞操の危機が迫る!
Based on Nagai Gou's manga.
The life of a young heiress is endangered by the will and ambition of Tokugawa Tsunai and his henchmen. The young woman, who calls herself Kurenai Mitanosuke, loves to dress as a samurai. She certainly should be more wary of her two obsessed bodyguards (Kaki and Suki) than of the danger that threatens her because, without her knowledge, her life is protected by a mysterious one-eyed shinobi...
ENG SUB https://www.onlyhentaistuff.com/videos/6969/harenchi-koumon-manyuuki-eng-sub/
RUS SUB https://www.onlyhentaistuff.com/videos/6967/harenchi-koumon-manyuuki-rus-sub/
黄門様の諸国漫遊は実は大ウソ! 代わりに諸国を巡ったのは光圀公の愛娘・紅姫。すなわち水戸紅門! 頼りにならないスケベ家来のスキさん、カキさん引き連れて若侍姿の紅門さまの珍道中が始まった! しかし、紅門さまのお命を狙うやからが次々と刺客を送ってくる。女の武器を究極の術にしたお色気くの一蛍、椿、桜の襲撃に骨抜きのスキさん&カキさん。代わって紅門さまを助けた謎の影は…? 蛍たちの陰謀に紅門さまの貞操の危機が迫る!
Based on Nagai Gou's manga.
The life of a young heiress is endangered by the will and ambition of Tokugawa Tsunai and his henchmen. The young woman, who calls herself Kurenai Mitanosuke, loves to dress as a samurai. She certainly should be more wary of her two obsessed bodyguards (Kaki and Suki) than of the danger that threatens her because, without her knowledge, her life is protected by a mysterious one-eyed shinobi...