Kanojo wa Hanayome Kouhosei? ep2
Duration: 28:54
Views: 51K
Submitted: 6 years ago
Year: 2009
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Tony's Heroine Series: Kanojo wa Hanayome Kouhosei? Cinderella Collection / Tony's ヒロインシリーズ 彼女は花嫁候補生? シンデレラ・コレクション / Candidate For Bride
ENG SUB https://www.onlyhentaistuff.com/videos/5660/tony-s-heroine-series-ep2-eng-sub/
RUS SUB https://www.onlyhentaistuff.com/videos/5656/kanojo-wa-hanayome-kouhosei-ep2-rus-sub/
DE DUB https://www.onlyhentaistuff.com/videos/5654/tony-s-heroine-series-ep2-de-dub/
大人気原画家「Tony」オリジナルキャラクターデザインのVol.2! シンジには結婚を約束した幼馴染みのサエがいた。 しかし、一条財閥の後継者となってしまい、サエとの結婚のためには女性を絶頂に導き、首筋に花のアザを持つ女性を見つけ出さなければならなかった。 シンジの運命を握る女性は未だ見つかってはいない。 ゼロに導かれるがまま新たに向かった先には、柔らかな髪も麗しい一人の女性警備員の姿が。 はたまた、木々に囲まれた赤い鳥居の奧に佇む清楚可憐な巫女の姿が。 花のアザはいずこに…!?
Shinji's parents have died in an accident years ago, so he has grown up in an orphanage. Now, years later, he gets approached by a maid with the name Zero who claims that Shinji's father was the only son of a millionaire. His grandfather now intends Shinji to inherit his business. Shinji doesn't feel much for inheriting a company from a person he doesn't know, especially since he has plans for his own life and wants to eventually marry his childhood friend Sae. There is only a slight drawback: his grandfather won’t take no for an answer. He did leave an opt-out option though; if Shinji can find a girl with a certain birthmark, he will be given his freedom and won’t have to inherit and lead the company. The only catch is… the birthmark will only appear after the girl climaxes. How will Shinji manage to get out of this deal while still staying true to his childhood love?
Kanojo wa Hanayome Kouhosei? ep1
Kanojo wa Hanayome Kouhosei? ep2
Tony's Heroine Series: Kanojo wa Hanayome Kouhosei? Cinderella Collection / Tony's ヒロインシリーズ 彼女は花嫁候補生? シンデレラ・コレクション / Candidate For Bride
ENG SUB https://www.onlyhentaistuff.com/videos/5660/tony-s-heroine-series-ep2-eng-sub/
RUS SUB https://www.onlyhentaistuff.com/videos/5656/kanojo-wa-hanayome-kouhosei-ep2-rus-sub/
DE DUB https://www.onlyhentaistuff.com/videos/5654/tony-s-heroine-series-ep2-de-dub/
大人気原画家「Tony」オリジナルキャラクターデザインのVol.2! シンジには結婚を約束した幼馴染みのサエがいた。 しかし、一条財閥の後継者となってしまい、サエとの結婚のためには女性を絶頂に導き、首筋に花のアザを持つ女性を見つけ出さなければならなかった。 シンジの運命を握る女性は未だ見つかってはいない。 ゼロに導かれるがまま新たに向かった先には、柔らかな髪も麗しい一人の女性警備員の姿が。 はたまた、木々に囲まれた赤い鳥居の奧に佇む清楚可憐な巫女の姿が。 花のアザはいずこに…!?
Shinji's parents have died in an accident years ago, so he has grown up in an orphanage. Now, years later, he gets approached by a maid with the name Zero who claims that Shinji's father was the only son of a millionaire. His grandfather now intends Shinji to inherit his business. Shinji doesn't feel much for inheriting a company from a person he doesn't know, especially since he has plans for his own life and wants to eventually marry his childhood friend Sae. There is only a slight drawback: his grandfather won’t take no for an answer. He did leave an opt-out option though; if Shinji can find a girl with a certain birthmark, he will be given his freedom and won’t have to inherit and lead the company. The only catch is… the birthmark will only appear after the girl climaxes. How will Shinji manage to get out of this deal while still staying true to his childhood love?
Kanojo wa Hanayome Kouhosei? ep1
Kanojo wa Hanayome Kouhosei? ep2
Shinichi Shimizu
Milky Animation Label
Studio Eromatick
Oral sex
Milky Animation Label
Studio Eromatick