Kyonyuu Daikazoku Saimin 巨乳大家族催眠 ep2

Duration: 15:44 Views: 33K Submitted: 7 years ago Year: 2017 Submitted by:


強力な催眠効果を持つペンライトによって優しい義母、 同じ屋根の下で生活する義妹たちを意のままに操り、 性欲の捌け口にしていた間宮雄一。 間宮家で毎日繰り広げられている痴態は、近所の人妻たちにバレてしまっていた。 心配して家にあがりこんできたななえ、間宮家の隣に住む弥千代までもを催眠の力で言いなりにする雄一。 ついには町内会長の涙子が間宮家を訪れるが…

It has been a few days since the protagonist received the hypnotic penlight and began venting his desire on the women in the family. However, some rumors have started: "That family is doing something suspicious..." The Mamiya family, which was given the cold shoulder​ by the whole town, is going to be forced to leave. While being caught in a dilemma, Yuuichi noted that most of the wives in town are sexually frustrated. "I want them to be in my 'family'." Thus, dark lust starts to cover the neighborhood, and even more hypnotic life begins...

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Kyonyuu Daikazoku Saimin 巨乳大家族催眠 ep2  
Directors: T-Rex Raika Ken