Himekishi Angelica 姫騎士アンジェリカ ep2

Duration: 29:44 Views: 29K Submitted: 7 years ago Year: 2008 Submitted by:
Princess Knight Angelica

ENG SUB https://www.onlyhentaistuff.com/videos/4251/himekishi-angelica-ep2-eng-sub/

RUS SUB https://www.onlyhentaistuff.com/videos/4247/himekishi-angelica-ep2-rus-sub/

SPA SUB https://www.onlyhentaistuff.com/videos/4245/himekishi-angelica-ep2-spa-sub/

DE DUB https://www.onlyhentaistuff.com/videos/4243/himekishi-angelica-ep2-de-dub/

ロートシルト王国への残虐な復讐劇が終焉を迎える… かつて恋人関係にあった『エルネスト(エル)』とエルフの『クリスティーナ(クリス)』。 駆け落ちの約束を裏切られてしまったエルは、そのクリスの娘『姫騎士アンジェリカ』に目をつけた。 アンジェリカ、クリスティーナ、フローラ、それぞれを快楽によって自らの傀儡にし、王国を滅ぼそうと企てたエルの復讐劇はとんでもない方向に突き進んでいく。 果たしてロートシルト王国の行く末は…!?

Based on the game by Silky's.

A clever and ambitious man is able to take over a kingdom by cunningly forcing his way into the hearts of the Rothschilt family women. One by one he convinces them they can't live without him and makes them into his obedient and willing sex slaves. Now the kingdom is at his mercy and his real revenge can commence.

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