Eiken / エイケン ep1
Duration: 29:09
Views: 15K
Submitted: 7 years ago
Year: 2003
Submitted by:
エイケン エイケンヴより愛をこめて
ENG SUB https://www.onlyhentaistuff.com/videos/4148/eiken-ep1-eng-sub/
RUS SUB https://www.onlyhentaistuff.com/videos/4144/eiken-ep1-rus-sub/
総生徒数5万4千人、初等部・中等部・高等部一貫のマンモス校、それが私立ザッショノ学園。 そして、この学園内に数多存在する部活動の中で、他に例をみない最も異色な部活サークルこそ「エイケン部」なのである。エイケン部の活動内容は一切闇のベールに包まれており、それゆえ学園内での評判はすこぶる芳しくない。だが、その部員はスポーツ万能&学業優秀の美少女・東雲ちはるをはじめ、個性豊かでカワイイ女の子ばかりで構成されているのが気になるところ。 そんな女の園に、高等部に編入してきたばかりの少年・三船伝助が無理矢理入部させられてしまうことに!
To some people, Densuke Mifune looks like the luckiest man in the world. Thanks to a chance encounter with the brilliant, beautiful, busty, but extremely shy Chiharu Shinonome, Eiken: Eikenbu yori Ai wo Komete sees Densuke being forcibly invited to join the mysterious Eiken Club. Led by Kirika Misono, she recruited Densuke both for his completely boring, unassuming nature and his completely accidental groping of Chiharu’s chest. Despite the fact that he’s now surrounded by insanely busty women, Densuke can’t catch a break to save his life. All of his attempts to get closer to Chiharu end up backfiring, making him look like a deviant pervert. His situation is made more complicated by the rest of the Eiken Club’s overly sexual antics and Chiharu’s younger sister intentionally trying to get Densuke into some…compromising positions. It doesn’t help matters that Chiharu has expressed fondness for Densuke in return, but all of the accidental circumstances keep pushing her away. Densuke needs to act fast if he wants to find his way back into Chiharu’s good graces. A beauty like her doesn’t go unnoticed, and he may very well find that he’s not the only one trying to win Chiharu’s heart.
Eiken / エイケン ep1
Eiken / エイケン ep2
エイケン エイケンヴより愛をこめて
ENG SUB https://www.onlyhentaistuff.com/videos/4148/eiken-ep1-eng-sub/
RUS SUB https://www.onlyhentaistuff.com/videos/4144/eiken-ep1-rus-sub/
総生徒数5万4千人、初等部・中等部・高等部一貫のマンモス校、それが私立ザッショノ学園。 そして、この学園内に数多存在する部活動の中で、他に例をみない最も異色な部活サークルこそ「エイケン部」なのである。エイケン部の活動内容は一切闇のベールに包まれており、それゆえ学園内での評判はすこぶる芳しくない。だが、その部員はスポーツ万能&学業優秀の美少女・東雲ちはるをはじめ、個性豊かでカワイイ女の子ばかりで構成されているのが気になるところ。 そんな女の園に、高等部に編入してきたばかりの少年・三船伝助が無理矢理入部させられてしまうことに!
To some people, Densuke Mifune looks like the luckiest man in the world. Thanks to a chance encounter with the brilliant, beautiful, busty, but extremely shy Chiharu Shinonome, Eiken: Eikenbu yori Ai wo Komete sees Densuke being forcibly invited to join the mysterious Eiken Club. Led by Kirika Misono, she recruited Densuke both for his completely boring, unassuming nature and his completely accidental groping of Chiharu’s chest. Despite the fact that he’s now surrounded by insanely busty women, Densuke can’t catch a break to save his life. All of his attempts to get closer to Chiharu end up backfiring, making him look like a deviant pervert. His situation is made more complicated by the rest of the Eiken Club’s overly sexual antics and Chiharu’s younger sister intentionally trying to get Densuke into some…compromising positions. It doesn’t help matters that Chiharu has expressed fondness for Densuke in return, but all of the accidental circumstances keep pushing her away. Densuke needs to act fast if he wants to find his way back into Chiharu’s good graces. A beauty like her doesn’t go unnoticed, and he may very well find that he’s not the only one trying to win Chiharu’s heart.
Eiken / エイケン ep1
Eiken / エイケン ep2
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