Shimaizuma: Shimaizuma 3 / 仕舞妻[しまいづま] ep2

Duration: 30:01 Views: 68K Submitted: 2 years ago Year: 2007 Submitted by:
Description: Shimaizuma: Shimaizuma 3 The Animation / 仕舞妻[しまいづま]~姉妹妻3~ The Animation / Fleshdance / Shimai Tsuma: Shimai Tsuma 3  

Subtitles(just click on): ENG RUS   /   Raw Vers  /  ENG DUB   DE DUB 

雅や侘びの世界に憧れる美大生・健太。 ある日 彼は美術館で一枚の絵に心を打たれて弟子入りすることに。 そこで出逢った画家の妻・大原葵の妖艶な誘惑に抵抗できず、 更には家政婦の桃子も交え、次第に愛欲の世界へと堕ちていく……。  

Based on a game by 13cm.

Art school student Fushimi Kenta looks for inspiration wherever he can find it. When a successful painter takes him under his wing, his creativity is aroused the moment he meets the painter’s wife. Seduced by her beauty and exotic dancing skills, Kenta’s art comes second to learning the horizontal tango. Soon he’s dancing in the sheets with any girl within reach.  


Shimaizuma: Shimaizuma 3 / 仕舞妻[しまいづま] ep1 

Shimaizuma: Shimaizuma 3 / 仕舞妻[しまいづま] ep2