Boku no Pico OVA 1 My Pico / ぼくのぴこ
Duration: 32:28
Views: 994K
Submitted: 3 years ago
Year: 2006
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Boku no Piko / My Piko / My Piko
Subtitles(just click on): ENG RUS / Raw Vers
夏休み。田舎から出てきておじいちゃんの喫茶店を手伝う少女とタモツは出会う。 遊びに出かけた時、その少女のあまりにも無防備な無邪気さに唇を寄せるタモツ。 果たして少女は少年だった。「僕、男の子だよ。」少年の言葉もむなしく、もうタモツの下半身は止められなくなっていた。 少年と青年の危険な恋がはじまる。
Upbeat and effeminate Pico is working at his grandfather's coffee shop, Café Bebe, for the summer. Tamotsu is a white-collar worker looking for an escape from the mundanity of his everyday life. When they meet at the café, sparks of love and lust quickly draw the two together. Conventional notions of age, gender, and sexuality are broken down as the pair seeks carnal gratification in one another's company. But do the pleasures of flesh equate to a connection between hearts?
Related Anime
Boku no Pico OVA 1 My Pico / ぼくのぴこ
Boku no Pico OVA 2 Piko to Chiko / ぴことちこ
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Boku no Piko / My Piko / My Piko
Subtitles(just click on): ENG RUS / Raw Vers
夏休み。田舎から出てきておじいちゃんの喫茶店を手伝う少女とタモツは出会う。 遊びに出かけた時、その少女のあまりにも無防備な無邪気さに唇を寄せるタモツ。 果たして少女は少年だった。「僕、男の子だよ。」少年の言葉もむなしく、もうタモツの下半身は止められなくなっていた。 少年と青年の危険な恋がはじまる。
Upbeat and effeminate Pico is working at his grandfather's coffee shop, Café Bebe, for the summer. Tamotsu is a white-collar worker looking for an escape from the mundanity of his everyday life. When they meet at the café, sparks of love and lust quickly draw the two together. Conventional notions of age, gender, and sexuality are broken down as the pair seeks carnal gratification in one another's company. But do the pleasures of flesh equate to a connection between hearts?
Related Anime
Boku no Pico OVA 1 My Pico / ぼくのぴこ
Boku no Pico OVA 2 Piko to Chiko / ぴことちこ
Boku no Pico OVA 3 Piko×CoCo×Chiko
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