Tentacle and Witches ep1 RUS SUB
Duration: 29:11
Views: 9.3K
Submitted: 7 years ago
Year: 2011
Submitted by:
Щупальца и Ведьмы / テンタクル アンド ウィッチーズ
ENG SUB https://www.onlyhentaistuff.com/videos/457/tentacle-and-witches-ep1-eng-sub/
JP https://www.onlyhentaistuff.com/videos/3640/tentacle-and-witches-ep1/
Тачибана Ичиро - главный герой, является обычным студентом, однако он знает тайну. В доме на холме раньше жили ведьмы и теперь этот дом принадлежит учительнице Иошико! Иошико занимающуюся с главным героем, вдруг и оказывается той самой ведьмой живущей в доме на холме. Однажды ночью, главный герой идет в дом на холме, чтобы увидеть, чем занимается его учительница и увидеть её колдовство.
High school can be a complicated time for young men, especially for young men named Ichirou Tachibana. Ichirou knows his homeroom teacher Yuuko Morino's biggest secret: she's a witch! When fellow classmate and witch Lily Ramses Futaba catches him peaking on Yuuko, she decides it's the perfect time for her to use a new spell she's acquired and turn Ichirou into her familiar servant. Lily's planned antagonism for Ichirou goes awry when the spell turns him into some sort of twisted, purple, tentacle monster. Now he must directly acquire sexual energy from witches in order to sate the tentacle monster's lust and retain elements of his humanity. To make matters worse for the two witches, Ichirou's new form gives him the power to control them to satisfy his basest desires! The trio also find out that the spell that Lily acquired was sold to her deceptively and intentionally made to appear genuine. Amidst all the sexual misadventures in the Witches and Tentacle, they're about to discover that something far more sinister is at work, and they are but pawns within a larger game.
Tentacle and Witches ep1 RUS SUB
Tentacle and Witches ep2 RUS SUB
Tentacle and Witches ep3 RUS SUB
Tentacle and Witches ep4 RUS SUB
Щупальца и Ведьмы / テンタクル アンド ウィッチーズ
ENG SUB https://www.onlyhentaistuff.com/videos/457/tentacle-and-witches-ep1-eng-sub/
JP https://www.onlyhentaistuff.com/videos/3640/tentacle-and-witches-ep1/
Тачибана Ичиро - главный герой, является обычным студентом, однако он знает тайну. В доме на холме раньше жили ведьмы и теперь этот дом принадлежит учительнице Иошико! Иошико занимающуюся с главным героем, вдруг и оказывается той самой ведьмой живущей в доме на холме. Однажды ночью, главный герой идет в дом на холме, чтобы увидеть, чем занимается его учительница и увидеть её колдовство.
High school can be a complicated time for young men, especially for young men named Ichirou Tachibana. Ichirou knows his homeroom teacher Yuuko Morino's biggest secret: she's a witch! When fellow classmate and witch Lily Ramses Futaba catches him peaking on Yuuko, she decides it's the perfect time for her to use a new spell she's acquired and turn Ichirou into her familiar servant. Lily's planned antagonism for Ichirou goes awry when the spell turns him into some sort of twisted, purple, tentacle monster. Now he must directly acquire sexual energy from witches in order to sate the tentacle monster's lust and retain elements of his humanity. To make matters worse for the two witches, Ichirou's new form gives him the power to control them to satisfy his basest desires! The trio also find out that the spell that Lily acquired was sold to her deceptively and intentionally made to appear genuine. Amidst all the sexual misadventures in the Witches and Tentacle, they're about to discover that something far more sinister is at work, and they are but pawns within a larger game.
Tentacle and Witches ep1 RUS SUB
Tentacle and Witches ep2 RUS SUB
Tentacle and Witches ep3 RUS SUB
Tentacle and Witches ep4 RUS SUB
Kaidou Tsukasa
Big tits
Oral sex
Double Penetration
Anal sex
Small tits
Magical Girl
Kaidou Tsukasa