Hatsu Inu 2 / 初犬 2 The Animation ep1

Duration: 29:07 Views: 20K Submitted: 7 years ago Year: 2008 Submitted by:
Hatsu Inu 2 The Animation: Strange Kind of Woman - Again

ENG SUB https://www.onlyhentaistuff.com/videos/3414/hatsu-inu-2-ep1-eng-sub/

RUS DUB https://www.onlyhentaistuff.com/videos/3410/2-hatsu-inu-2-ep1-rus-sub/

全く喋らない美少女・藤乃と不思議な交際を続けている深谷。 しかし、二人でアダルトショップに行ったその日から、藤乃は急によそよそしい態度になってしまう。 気になった三田が問い詰めてみると、実は意外な理由が!? さらに真実を知った三田は、なぜか藤乃とレズプレイを始めて??

Fukaya accidentally breaks Fujino's vibrator so he takes her to a sex shop to get another. While there, they have passionate sex in the dressing room and Fukaya mentions how quiet she is and how she never needs to be less quiet when they do it in public. Fujino comes to the conclusion that she needs to be louder for him and tries to get Mita to help her, while the Nurse has to tell Fukaya why Fujino is acting differently.

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Directors: PinkPineapple