Hatsu Inu / 初犬 The Animation ep1

Duration: 29:12 Views: 62K Submitted: 7 years ago Year: 2007 Submitted by:
A Strange Kind of Woman

ENG SUB https://www.onlyhentaistuff.com/videos/3408/a-strange-kind-of-woman-hatsu-inu-ep1-eng-sub/

RUS SUB https://www.onlyhentaistuff.com/videos/3404/hatsu-inu-ep1-rus-sub/

まったく喋らない美少女・藤乃と恋人同士になった深谷は、 彼女がいつも肌身離さず愛用しているバイブの存在に悩んでいた。 「ひょっとしたら俺はバイブと同レベルなのでは…?」 本当に藤乃に好かれているのか自信が持てず、バイブに対抗意識を燃やす深谷。 そんな時、二人でプールに出かける事になる。 水の中ではバイブも使えないから、二人っきり(?)になれると期待したのだが…。

By chance, Fukaya became the lover of a very quiet and beautiful girl, Fujino, yet he worries about the vibrator she's always carrying. "Perhaps, she considers me no more fondly than that vibrator?" In fact, their relationship began when he found her using a vibrator aboard a crowded train. Although they have passionate sex, he can't be certain that she loves him, and feels threatened by her vibrator. Now, the two of them are going to a pool. As she will be unable to use the vibrator in the water, he expects they will be alone, but...

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