Watashi wa, Kairaku Izonshou ep1

Duration: 19:15 Views: 32K Submitted: 8 years ago Year: 2016 Submitted by:
私は, 快楽依存症

ENG SUB https://www.onlyhentaistuff.com/videos/366/watashi-wa-kairaku-izonshou-ep1-eng-sub/

RUS SUB https://www.onlyhentaistuff.com/videos/3113/watashi-wa-kairaku-izonshou-ep1-rus-sub/

快楽依存症の女性管理人は、自らの性的欲求を満たすため、マンションの住民同士が共有出来る一室を作った。 この共有スペースのことは外に一切持ち出さないことを条件に。 引っ越して一ヵ月の住民のもとに “回淫乱版” が回ってきた。 共有スペースにこの回淫乱版を返却しにドアを開けると、そこで住民同士が互いのカラダを貪りあっていた。 ただ快楽欲求を満たすために……

A dude has recently moved into an apartment complex with his pregnant wife, when he accidentally stumbles upon an orgy going on in one of the rooms. He decides to get in on the action since his wife ain't been fucking him lately. He fucks one of his teenage neighbors to get things started, and ends up fucking his landlady for good measure.

Based on erotic manga by Yabitsu Hiro.


Watashi wa, Kairaku Izonshou ep1


Watashi wa, Kairaku Izonshou ep2

Directors: Queen Bee Mediabank