Mesu Nochi Torare / メスのちトラレ ep2

Duration: 14:12 Views: 154K Submitted: 3 years ago Year: 2013 Submitted by:
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生徒会長の玲子はスタイルが良く、凛とした姿で学園内では憧れの的である。 そんな彼女が頼りにしているのが副会長のシンタロー。 見かけによらず力強くリードしてくれるところが好きで、玲子と彼は付き合っていた。 学園祭の出し物を見回るふたり。 仕事とはいえ、玲子は二人きりの時間を楽しんでいた。 だが最後の出し物・真っ暗迷路に入った時、玲子は身体の変調を感じていた。 様子がおかしいことをシンタローに心配されるが、強がる玲子。 強がってみたものの、身体の疼きが収まらず立ち往生してしまう。 そんな玲子の腕を取り、迷路の奥へ誘導する男。 シンタローの頼もしさに、改めて惚れ直す玲子。 頼りがいのある手は、セックスを求め、玲子の身体を這いまわる。 身体の疼きが止められない玲子の抵抗は口先だけで、身体はセックスを受け入れようとしていた。 シンタローは暗闇の中で、玲子を探していた……

An adaption based of Chapter 8 of the manga Otome Dori. While the first episode is an adaption of chapter 8, the second episode is original content.

Preparation for the cultural festival have begun. As president and vice president of the student council, as well as a couple, Reiko and Shintaro are given the jobs of keeping tabs on the preparation together. While browsing through campus, they find a fellow student who request they sample the drink he was making for the festival. Suddenly, not knowing why, Reiko starts feeling aroused and decides to take Shintaro into a classroom set up as a dark maze. Shortly while inside the two are separated and when reunited, Reiko finds herself unable to control her urges and allows Shintaro to help release her sexual desires but only to find out it wasn't him who found her, Shintaro had already left the room. Shintaro has noticed that Reiko has been acting strange after the incident he knows nothing about and decides to consult Misaki for help, another member of the student council. She suspects Reiko is tired from the preparation work for the cultural festival and the two decide they all take a trip to an amusement park. On the day of the trip, Shintaro and Reiko meet up but Misaki was no where to be found. Reiko suddenly receives a email on her phone. A shocking expression she lets out as she looks upon the image she receive, an image of what has happened to Misaki.

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Directors: Mary Jane