Kedamono-tachi no Sumu Ie de ep1

Duration: 26:56 Views: 37K Submitted: 8 years ago Year: 2015 Submitted by:



火事で住む家を失くしてしまった心春。 朝岡新は、大切な彼女である心春に 「自分の家に住めばいい」 …と言い切れずにいた。 実は、新の父親も兄も大の女好きで、気に入った女にすぐに手を出す最低の人間だったからだ。 しかし、父・源蔵の強い勧めを断ることができず、朝岡家で心春が暮らすことになった。 新のいない隙に、源蔵は心春にキスをして、それを写真に撮り心春を脅迫する。 新に余計な心配を掛けたくない心春は源蔵に言われるがまま、恥ずかしいポーズを取らされ、エッチなおねだりを無理矢理言わされ、極太の肉棒で 7回もハメられる。 要求はさらに過激になり、初アナル、ガニ股ポーズ、そして立ちバックで突かれながらドア越しに新と話を……。 苦悶に満ちたその表情が、逆に新を心配させてしまう。 こんなことはいけないのに……と思いながらも、心春は調教の快感に目覚めていく。

Arata Asaoka lives with his despicable, chauvinist father and older brother. A house of three men. Arata was an illegitimate child. Bearing only a tenuous blood relation to the man who bastarded him into the world, he was treated like a second-rate human. With nowhere else to go, Arata suffered the cruelty of his father and brother for years. For years, he forced a smile and pretended happiness for the sake of strangers... One day he met the girl who gave him hope. Her name was Koharu Hinomoto. She was a ray of sunshine. Being with Koharu made Arata feel good, and he fell deep in love. He began to believe that his life could be better. Arata decided he would move out and live with her. Even without money, they could make it work. Anything was better than how he lived right now. Arata knew in his heart that he could make a warm, loving family with Koharu. If he could just move out... before his despicable family ruins everything.


Kedamono-tachi no Sumu Ie de ep1

Kedamono-tachi no Sumu Ie de ep2
Categories: Rape Big Tits BDSM Anal Sex