Toki Neiro ep1 RUS SUB

Duration: 28:26 Views: 6.7K Submitted: 8 years ago Year: 2004 Submitted by:
刻音色(ときねいろ) / A Time To Screw / Время заняться любовью / Tokineiro / 刻音色



Мужчина очнулся в особняке, затерянном среди высоких заснеженных сосен. Служанки сказали, что его принесли сюда после того, как он ушиб голову, но сам он ничего не помнит. С его появлением в особняке, впервые на памяти всех там живущих, снова пошли старые часы. Когда часы пробили двенадцать, служанок охватило непреодолимое желание, и в особняке начались извращённые оргии.

I woke up to find I was in an old house deep in the snowy mountains. They said I was carried into there with my head being bruised. There were a mistress, who was surrounded by books and pictures and loved camera, and the four maids who smiled sadly. They seemed to know everything. However, I couldn’t remember anything. “You brought the time into this house where time had stopped”. The gear began to work as if it was led by the folklore of spiriting away talked in the candle light. At midnight, the big clock that had stopped for decades rang thirteen times. When a dark blue shadow crawled out from the depth of the well were wandering around, snivel of the maids came in the dark. Was it an ecstasy or else?

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