Makai Kishi Ingrid / 魔界騎士イングリッド ep4

Duration: 30:07 Views: 23K Submitted: 8 years ago Year: 2009 Submitted by:
The Dark Knight Ingrid / Hell Knight Ingrid / Taimanin Murasaki


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闇の存在・魑魅魍魎が侵食しつつある魔都・東京。 正義のくノ一・対魔忍たちが活躍する影で闇と闇が激しく胎動を始める――― 闇の一勢力・ノマドの同胞であった魔科医・桐生佐馬斗の裏切りを暴き、逃走する桐生を追う魔界騎士イングリッド。 しかし摩天楼に潜む闇の教会で桐生の逆襲にあい、イングリッドは虜囚の身となってしまう。 復讐に燃える桐生はイングリッドの気高き魂を破壊し彼女のボスである吸血鬼エドウィン・ブラックを誘き寄せようとイングリッドに恨みを持つ魑魅魍魎の群れをけしかけ、その肢体を無残にも徹底的に汚して行く……!!!

Dark existences were secretly invading Tokyo, the diabolic city. Behind the success of ninjas of justice called Taimanin, the darkness starts the action... Hell knight Ingrid revealed the betrayal of a diabolic doctor, Sabato Kiryuu, who has belonged to a group of darkness, Kanomado. She follows after him who managed to escape from the spot. However, she gets the counterattack from Kiryuu in a certain hideous church and becomes captive. With vengeance, Kiryuu tries to destroy Ingrid's noble soul and decoy her boss, Edwin Black the vampire, into coming to save her. He encourages a group of monsters who have the desire for revenge against Ingrid to disgrace her body...

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