Reijoku no Yakata / 麗辱の館 ep1

Duration: 27:48 Views: 24K Submitted: 3 years ago Year: 2010 Submitted by:
Description: House Of Five Lusts  

Subtitles(just click on): ENG RUS DE   /   Raw Vers  /  ENG DUB 

莫大な財産と地位と名誉を持ち合わせた美人五人姉妹! 孤児として育った大地駿が住み込みで働き始めたのは、地位と名誉と資産を持つ五姉妹が住む名家の館だった。 目の前にある上品で豊満な肢体と膨大な財産。駿はその全てを手に入れるべく動きはじめる。 最初のターゲットは次女の燕。燕は快楽を追求する官能小説家。そして燕は、駿に長女詩鶴を陥れる協力をする。 詩鶴はおだやかで大きな包容力を感じさせる貞淑な未亡人。しかしその豊満な肉体の本性を駿に暴かれていく…。

Shun is an orphan working at a mansion owned by a noble family of five voluptuous, wealthy sisters. In order to get his hands on the fortune, Shun will have to insert himself into the family's politics and all five sisters! But it seems like these virtuous high-class women are all out of his league. Then Shun learns the secret desires of Kagome, the second sister and a well-known novelist. With her body and help, Shun is ready to drive down his fleshy road to riches. © Kitty Media

Based on a game by CLOCKUP. 


Reijoku no Yakata / 麗辱の館 ep1   

Reijoku no Yakata / 麗辱の館 ep2
Directors: Y.O.U.C. Kitty Media