Bubble de House de *** RUS SUB
Duration: 30:49
Views: 83
Submitted: 8 hours ago
Year: 2024
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バブルdeハウスde○○○ THE ANIMATION / Секс в доме с пузырьками
Subtitles(just click on): ENG RUS / Raw Vers
Four months ago, I tried to move into a student share house that a certain famous bath manufacturer was offering at a low price on the condition that I test their products, hoping to get cheap rent... I thought I had completely missed out, but then I came in second and was accepted!!! I was overjoyed and moved in, but...I realized that all the residents in the share house were girls except for me!!! What's more, they were students in the same year above me who attended the same university!!! It was tricky to only know each other one-sidedly... It seems like there's a lot of excitement in this... An exciting student communal life began in this "bathroom space".
Subtitles(just click on): ENG RUS / Raw Vers
История о парне, который переезжает в общагу, которая ранее была выставочным залом для ванн и сопутствующих им товаров. В новом доме ему предлагают скидку на аренду, если он попробует продукцию известного производителя туалетных принадлежностей. Переехав в новую квартиру, он понимает, что ему придётся жить в одной квартире с девушками, которые учатся в той же школе, что и он. С этого дня начнутся его бурные дни секса посреди сверкающих
Four months ago, I tried to move into a student share house that a certain famous bath manufacturer was offering at a low price on the condition that I test their products, hoping to get cheap rent... I thought I had completely missed out, but then I came in second and was accepted!!! I was overjoyed and moved in, but...I realized that all the residents in the share house were girls except for me!!! What's more, they were students in the same year above me who attended the same university!!! It was tricky to only know each other one-sidedly... It seems like there's a lot of excitement in this... An exciting student communal life began in this "bathroom space".
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