КоШмАр / SiNiSistar ep2 RUS SUB
Duration: 15:12
Views: 2.2K
Submitted: 5 months ago
Year: 2024
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It is a land infested with monsters. Kessalia is an abandoned city covered in darkness and distorted flesh. Sister Labian is ordered to investigate the land that was destroyed overnight, and with her mission in mind, she heads alone through the forest where the moonlight is dim. ``It's more dangerous than I expected... We need to proceed with caution...'' In the dark forest that surrounds the village, there are strange creatures wandering around blankly. That is the monster that aims for its prey. She was attacked by a demon and was helplessly fucked, but when she suddenly noticed, she was looking down at herself, standing without incident. It was as if she had just had a nightmare. In the gap between horrifying reality and dreams, Ravian aims even further. Under the moonlit night, the roars of strange creatures echo. Every time I wake up from a dream, I find myself in hell again!
КоШмАр / SiNiSistar ep1 RUS SUB
КоШмАр / SiNiSistar ep2 RUS SUB
!!!Attention Hardcore!!!
Subtitles(just click on): ENG RUS / Raw Vers
Subtitles(just click on): ENG RUS / Raw Vers
Церковь поручает сестре Рабиан важную миссию по изгнанию нечисти из города Кессария. На своём пути она сражается с ужасающими существами. Каждый раз, пробуждаясь ото сна, она вновь погружалась в ад. Находясь между ужасной реальностью и миром грёз, Рабиан продолжает продвигаться в неизвестность...
КоШмАр / SiNiSistar ep1 RUS SUB
КоШмАр / SiNiSistar ep2 RUS SUB