Toshoshitsu no Kanojo ep5 RUS SUB
Duration: 15:43
Views: 9.1K
Submitted: 1 year ago
Year: 2020
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The main character of the hentai girl is the head of the student Council named Yukihara Serizawa. She is a real idol in the Academy. All teachers and students love and respect her. However, not all-a dirty, dissolute old janitor named Kito-San has long put his lustful eye on the young beauty. Soon, he devised an incredibly simple plan and lured Hikaru-Chan to his den. Then he talked her out of her mouth and gave her a sleeping pill that was mixed into the cocktail. When the girl was completely asleep, Kito-San shivered and took off his blouse, and then his bra, and found a huge elastic breast of the fifth size of the perfect shape with swollen papillae from excitement. Seeing such a depraved spectacle, our hero just flew off the rails...
Toshoshitsu no Kanojo ep1 RUS SUB
Toshoshitsu no Kanojo ep2 RUS SUB
Toshoshitsu no Kanojo ep3 RUS SUB
Toshoshitsu no Kanojo ep4 RUS SUB
図書室ノ彼女~清楚ナ君ガ堕チルマデ~ THE ANIMATION / Toshoshitsu no Kanojo: Seiso na Kimi ga Ochiru made The Animation
Главная героиня хентая девушка глава студсовета по имени Юкихара Серидзава. Она является настоящим айдолом в академии. Все учителя и ученики любят и уважают её. Впрочем не все - грязный распутный старикашка уборщик по имени Китоу-сан уже давно положил на юную красавицу свой похотливый глаз. Вскоре он разработал невероятно простой план и завлёк Юкихару-тян в свою злачную комнату. Затем он заговорил ей зубы и напоил снотворным, которое было подмешано в коктейль. Когда девушка полностью уснула Китоу-сан дрожащими снял кофточку, а затем бюстгальтер и обнаружил огромную упругую грудь пятого размера идеальной формы с набухшими от возбуждения сосочками. Увидев столь развратное зрелище, наш герой просто слетел с катушек...
The main character of the hentai girl is the head of the student Council named Yukihara Serizawa. She is a real idol in the Academy. All teachers and students love and respect her. However, not all-a dirty, dissolute old janitor named Kito-San has long put his lustful eye on the young beauty. Soon, he devised an incredibly simple plan and lured Hikaru-Chan to his den. Then he talked her out of her mouth and gave her a sleeping pill that was mixed into the cocktail. When the girl was completely asleep, Kito-San shivered and took off his blouse, and then his bra, and found a huge elastic breast of the fifth size of the perfect shape with swollen papillae from excitement. Seeing such a depraved spectacle, our hero just flew off the rails...
Toshoshitsu no Kanojo ep1 RUS SUB
Toshoshitsu no Kanojo ep2 RUS SUB
Toshoshitsu no Kanojo ep3 RUS SUB
Toshoshitsu no Kanojo ep4 RUS SUB
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