Choubatsu Yobikou 懲罰予備校 ep2

Duration: 30:14 Views: 25K Submitted: 1 year ago Year: 2004 Submitted by:
Description: Bondage 101 / Chobatsu Yobiko 

Subtitles(just click on): ENG RUS   /   Raw Vers  

本来、○○ターゲットに接点は無いはずだが、朋が明日奈を見つけ出し、脱走の説得をしていた。この事を教頭から指摘されることは、島津にとっては、今後の評価に関わってくる。朋と明日奈の○○の仕方を考えなければならない・・・。 そして、意外なほど早く脱走計画は実行された。
早朝、学園の外へ逃れようとするも、監視の手によって朋と明日奈は捕らえられた。なすすべも無く縛り上げられ、脱走の仕置きとして校庭で浣腸による○○排泄で辱められる二人。 「こんなところで・・・。変態っ」「ほらほら、一緒に出さないとまたやり直しだぞ」「あっ・・・、とまらない・・・、いっぱいでちゃうよぉ」二人同時の排出を求められる中、隷属の意味を思い知らされる朋と明日奈であった・・・。

To all observers, Ryuei College looks like a clean-cut, ivy-league school… but in reality, the school is hiding its true purpose: to produce perfect female sex slaves.
Enter Kyoichi Shizuma. After being fired from his last job for molesting the students, Kyoichi has been hired as a professor at Ryuei College and given a single task: turn three of the school’s top female students into willing, luscious, and obedient sex slaves.
When Kyoichi enthusiastically begins his new job, he discovers that his new students are going to be a handful. Yumiko, a gorgeous girl with glasses, knows all about the true nature of the college. She seems like the perfect, willing slave – but is she really? Then there’s the submissive and easily influenced Asuna. Beautiful as she may be, she never seems to be able to think for herself. But Kyoichi’s biggest problem is with the fiery and defiant freshman Tomo. When Tomo discovers the true nature of the school’s “education program,” she’s determined to fight to her last breath. Kyoichi may have thought this was going to be his dream job, but he’s about to discover that it’s anything but easy!
(Source: Critical Mass Video)  


Choubatsu Yobikou 懲罰予備校 ep1  

Choubatsu Yobikou 懲罰予備校 ep2 
Directors: Y.O.U.C. Digital Works