Rin x Sen ep2

Duration: 29:38 Views: 21K Submitted: 8 years ago Year: 2010 Submitted by:
Description: Rin x Sen: Hakudaku Onna Kyoushi to Yaroudomo / Rin x Sen: 白濁女教師と野郎ども  

Subtitles(just click on): ENG RUS   /   Raw Vers 

愛するフィアンセの為、頑に処女を守り抜くお嬢様『蛯原うらら』。 その幼気な顔立ちとは裏腹に豊満な肉体の持ち主のうららは、フィアンセの連帯保証人であったため借金の肩代わりに一ヶ月だけ黒銅学園で教壇に立つ事となる。 生徒達はうららの言うことなど聞かず、卑猥な言葉を浴びせかけ、好色な目つきでうららを見てくる。 生徒達の、はち切れんばかりの性欲が遂にうららに襲いかかる。  

Urara starts working at a girls' school. She is now happy because she will get married in a few months. But one day, her fiance suddenly goes missing since his business didn't go well. Months later, Yuji, a debt collector, comes to her house, but she doesn't have enough money to pay. Yuji offers her to work at a boys' school his friend works. He also says if she works there for a month, she won't need to pay back money. She finally decides to accept his offer without knowing the fact that the school is full of evil teachers and students....  


Rin x Sen ep1 

Rin x Sen ep2 

Ran-Sem Hakudaku Delmo Tsuma no Miira Tori 1 

Ran-Sem Hakudaku Delmo Tsuma no Miira Tori 2 

Rin x Sen + Ran->Sem: Cross Mix ep1  

Rin x Sen + Ran->Sem: Cross Mix ep2